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Classifieds: Northern Kittitas County Tribune
Northern Kittitas County Tribune   >> All Ads >> Employment Search ads Advanced   

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FULL-TIME CONSTRUCTION. Production Technician. Will train. Call Kerry 509-304-7009. Please leave a message if no answer.
EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY All employment advertisements in this newspaper are subject to Federal and State laws which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on age, sex, marital status, race, creed, color, national origin or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertisement for employment which is in violation of the law. It is the advertiser’s responsibility to be aware of federal, state and local regulations pertaining to employment. It is this newspaper’s right to refuse all advertisements which do not comply with the above regulations.

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(To protect our customers, our ads are verified by a real person to significantly reduce fraudulent ads often seen on other sites.
Prepaid ads go live once approved, often within the hour. If you do not see your ad after 24 hours, please contact our office.)

Please note: NO REFUNDS on Classified ads. Auto- Renew Option is a great way to run multiple weeks, and to be charged each week rather than all at once upfront, yet conveniently keeps the ad running for you without having to redo it each week. Auto-renew automatically renews your ad until you cancel it. You specify the renewal interval -- 1 insert, 5 inserts, whatever. After the interval, the ad automatically renews to run for the same number of inserts. Your credit card will be charged again. You can cancel the ad at anytime.
Phone: 509-674-2511

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